‘A Seat at the table’, 2018Shown at the St. Olaf Juried Art Show, 2018 'A Seat at the Table' overview “Only 8% of Black Americans live in a community with 1 or more grocery stores. (Compared to 31% of White Americans.) It is increasingly clear we live in a two tiered food system.” “With produce, about ¼ of each $1 goes to the farmer, and $0.08 of the $1 goes to the farm worker.” “Simply providing access to clean water could save 2 million lives a year.” “½ the hospital beds in the world are occupied by people with an easily preventable waterborne disease.” “Those with the highest consumption of federally subsidized foods have a 37% higher risk of becoming obese.” “The vast majority of agricultural subsidies go to commodity crops that are processed into unhealthy foods.” “1 in 4 Baltimore residents lives in a food desert.” “25% of all farmworkers live in poverty.” “In NYC, 1.4 mill. are food insecure.”