Combining the art of darning and the tarot deck, I’ve painted my late mother and her sister as children, before methodically and meditatively weaving myself into their absence. The Death tarot card is one of ending eras and new beginnings; holding the tension of gray space, of the good with the bad, new from the old, closing doors to opening windows. Every aspect holds meaning - Death’s five petaled white rose is the purity and innocence of change, the black dress an armor of invincibility and mystery. Death’s boat the journey from one world to the other, from life to death, from here to there. The presentation of the sisters and the second diptych bring the cycle of life, the beauty of death back home, back to the walls where we preserve the keepsakes of the love of grief.

Shown in Fermentation at the Northfield Arts Guild, in Northfield, Minnesota with the Annual EA Show.

MARCH 11-APRIL 10, 2021


Since You've Been Gone


Lessons on Transmutation